Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome to Terminus

Welcome back Rick! Didn't see it coming, Rick taking a nice chunk of Joe's neck off.  With that said, last night's season finale was INSANE! The days of working in the garden at the ol' prison are over. The opening scene with Rick covered in blood, just confirmed the fact that we were going to be in for a wild ride. It seems like the walkers are the last of the groups problems. The end of season 4 left us wondering how the group is going to handle a new enemy...the humans. But as Rick said, "They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out, they're screwing with the wrong people."
I hate Terminus...It just sounds like no good can come from it. First the creepy lady serving slabs of meat (no idea what body parts it came from), the weird room with all the candles lit, and the pile of remains. I believe there was a ribcage or two or three in there. One of the biggest question marks that I thought we might see in the finale is simply, where is Beth? Do the cannibals have her, is she in one of the other containers? Too many questions, and its a long wait until October. What were your thought's on the season finale last night?

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