When I first started writing about the “dirtiest clean book”
you've ever read, I was holding back any and all emotions, I didn't want to
finish this article that meant my story and journey was over. With the anniversary
of Tent City, fan camp the Breaking Dawn part 2 premiere I knew it was time for
me to finish my story.
Twilight is forever it will always been
ingrained in our lives and in our hearts. Think I am wrong, just look at the
people you tweet with, have a laugh with go on vacations with they are more
than likely our friends that we have met due to the phenomenon of this book
series and movies. We are part of something so special and unique it is almost
hard to put into words.
The books are read countless times. The movies were seen to
massive appeal that Twilight got back all its money just from its midnight
movie ticket sales ensuring we got the rest of our beloved saga on the big
screen. Conventions popped up around the globe and we went to them in droves
dropping hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars as we flew from city to city to
be near our favorite stars. Even the stars we met knew it was something amazing
and unique we formed our own Twilight family and community.
I personally was able to forge some friendships with several
of the actors from the movies. No I am not going to disclose all my information
or theirs. We all had our “person” that made us swoon smile and go nuts for.
The best part; they knew who we were. Not always just our faces, but our names
or Twitter handles. How cool is that? How many other people can say they got
that with any other movie series? I can’t think of anyone.
I went to my first Tent City for the final movie which also
happened to coincide with the last Twilight convention that was held by the
fabulous people of Creation Entertainment. Knowing that it was all coming to an
end I was a bundle of raw emotion, not unlike how I am now as I am writing this
article and thinking of all the amazing memories. How can it be over? We need
more conventions that was my main focus I couldn’t even start to think about or
imagine the end of our movies. So many more characters that were introduced to
us in the final part of the movie that could have graced us in person at our
conventions, but no this was it our journey was coming to an end. At our final
convention we has some our absolute faves: Charlie Bewley, Tinsel Korey, Booboo
Stewart, Peter Facinelli, Gil Birmingham, Julia Jones, Bronson Pelletier, Alex
Meraz and they introduced us to Rami Malek it was his first and last Creation
convention they pulled out all the stops the only we could have asked for was
more conventions and that the fun would never end. When it was time for our
photo ops, I was bawling for the most part it meant having to say good bye to
these amazing people that we may not see again. These people that became part
of our lives as we saw them month after month when we traveled like vagabonds to
see them at our famous conventions. How do you say good bye to them? How do you
convey the impact that they made on some of our lives? The only words I seemed
to get out to Tinsel at the Saturday night dance was simply Thank You for it
all. I saw Charlie and my tears betrayed me. I couldn't look at him or face
him. He has to be the hardest working self promoting, funny, intelligent man I
have come across at the conventions. Saying good bye or thank you wasn’t an
option the words I would like to say to him for being so amazing not only to
me, but to my dear friend Savannah who has to be his number one fan escaped me,
was so much more than a thank you or a good bye. How do you put into words the
impact he made on our lives? The drinking and fun at the conventions the crazy
hand motion we didn't quite understand to save him, the great funny Bewlyisms
we have, the jokes and it all Thank You is appropriate, but it is and was so
much more.
When it was time to pack up and leave the hotel and start to
venture towards Tent City that was when my emotions kicked in even harder. I
don’t think Tara, our writer and my close friend, knew I was even battling all
these emotions. We had a place at Tent City, but that didn't mean we would be
at the Black Carpet or even see any of the stars, let alone get an autograph.
The only things we did know about the next part of this adventure was that we
were doing it together, we were going to meet crazy Twihards from all over the
world, it was going to be hectic and chaotic, and most of all we were going to have
a blast while doing it all.
Tent city was an adventure! To getting all of our stuff
together to seeing your friends from different groups getting their wristbands
and moving along. We were cold, wet, and very cranky and irritable, but we were
together and making memories and friends. We got the famous wrist band, we
cried screamed and moaned, but we did it. next challenge setting up our tent Melinda
and Tara @BellaDonna2100 to
the rescue. I was beat, freezing, wet and battling a cold. I got to sit and
watch and take it all in. Just looking around at all the tents and people was mind
blowing. Some tents were decorated with pictures and words and some were tiny
little tents that only one person could fit in. It was absolutely amazing and
fun and crazy. I still can’t believe I was there and part of this. We were the
last group, the forgotten step children. They hadn't planned for all the people
that had come. Really? I mean this was not the first tent city this was the
last they should have known about all the crazies that were going to want to be
there and part of the final chapter in the series.
We got to see so many of the stars come to Tent city to
bring up the hopes of those in the group
4 and beyond and spread the love sign autographs till their hands cramped and
took so many pictures that we now know what it’s like to be snapped by the paparazzi.
We got to see Pat Brennan, Judi Shekoni, Charlie Bewley, Booboo Stewart, Mia
Maestro, Erik Odom and countless others. A special person to show up in Tent
City was Christian Camargo a personal friend of mine. He came to see me as well
Melissa @Rosmelie
who is and always will be #TeamDenali, no fanfare, no warning, he just came to give
us some gifts, say thank you to us and say hi! Tent city was looking up…
Finally. It was the day before we found out our placement on or near the carpet
everyone was on edge and guessing what to do. There was a note up to tell us
when to line up and what to do. DO NOT follow the orders you don't get on the carpet.
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Jackson Rathbone |
We lined up at the crack of dawn, we packed water, and
snacks into our bags we knew we were not going to be able to eat, drink or use
the bathroom for hours. All of our complaining and unfair treatment paid off,
we found out we yes we the evil step children of group 4 were going to be at
the front of the carpet. Every single star that walked the carpet HAD to pass us
for those autographs and photo ops! I was brought to tears happy tears of
course we made it, we survived tent city and it paid off. We were going to see
Rob, Taylor and Kristen in the flesh up close and personal. I had to pinch myself;
I had Tara on my left, Tina @Twlightgrandma on my right with Melinda @LckyRoll7 close to her. Tina and I were an emotional mess. We were all doing
this together. Hours passed we saw the press setting up in front of us time to
check the makeup and stop the tears, we had to have constant smiles plastered
on our faces we didn’t want to be published crying or scowling. We got to see firsthand
what went into the setting up and bringing the carpet and even to life, I got
to say it was beyond cool. We were interviewed by foreign press both for web
and publications. This was really happening.
The sun started to set and the
stars came in. We had perfect placement we could hear the squeals from the
fangirls before us to know who was making their way down to us. This was
happening. Our fave stars made their way to us, we got autographs and pictures
and so many fantastic memories. I was able to get some thank you’s out for the
amazing memories and fun I had over the years with Daniel Cudmore, Charlie
Bewley, Tinel Korey and the amazing Christopher Heyerdahl and so many others. I
sadly was in complete shock and awe, and forever worrying about the site I didn't get any pics with Rob, Taylor, or Kristen.I got some great close ups, but none with them. For those that have never been to an premiere before you have seconds to get pics, and autographs while having people behind you pushing and shoving and yelling for their chance, you have seconds to decide what you want and you can’t change your mind, split second decisions.
the carpet over they started to usher us into the theater to see the movie,
with the stars. That’s right we got to sit in the same movie theater as the
stars on the big screen. I still don’t think as I was able to process what had
just happened and what was still happening as I was stumbling through the
darkness to find our seats, the movie had started already, I saw glimpses of
Christian Camargo, Cameron Bright, and who could miss the tall and dapper
Daniel Cudmore sitting in the theater watching the movie with us for the first
time. I did know the adrenaline was wearing off, and I was starting to hurt as I
sat and watched the big screen at the Nokia Theater after all we stood in one
spot from about 10 am till 7 pm or maybe later on the carpet. Blown away was
all I could come up with, to describe the movie and the experience.
the movie let out we got to mingle and say thanks and give praise to the actors
that gave us our movies, truly adding to the amazing day and experience.
forward a year and we are getting or got Twilight Forever the box set with 2
hours of never before seen content, a commemorative photo album and the memories
of the past year come rushing back tenfold wonderful fantastic memories. We are
part of something we are our own community of friends that have become a
family. We lean on each other for love and support, we found out we all have
more in common than Twilight, but that was and will always be our common link
for Forever.
name and thank all the people that I have met through the years would be a full
article within itself, but I will try to list and thank the ones that have
stood out and have been there for me with this crazy journey.
the amazing Sharon Lottes who works her ass off for @TwiBetween and brings us the most amazing fund raising
events with @Forever_inForks I love you loads and I am in
awe of all the things you do. You will always have a place in my heart Forever.
fantastic @TracyC25 we followed each other Forever and when we finally met
at Tent City and I was able to get a long overdue hug from you I was a crying idiot.
You are amazeballs girl. I miss you and love you to bits. We are so much more
than Twilight.. We are hockey fans unless my team plays yours, However our friendship will still be Forever.
can I say about Sabrina @PurpleBrina17? Once again Tent City brought us together. She is a fighter the strongest
woman I know and rock for us all. When I grow up I want to be YOU! We party
hard and love harder. I love you and I am there for you whenever you need me.
@MirandaMajor You are up next on my list. I met you at the Forever
party at Lucky Strike, we drank we laughed and had a blast. You are fun as
hell. We got interviewed for some German web show thing or was it Australia in
Tent City, who knows we were tipsy and having fun dishing about our fave men of
the Twilight Saga and making asses out of ourselves all at the same time.
amazing Tina @Twlightgrandma . You and I go back to the Nashville convention and countless
tweets. You are my inspiration and my pick me up whenever I need it. You seem
to sense this and seem to always text or tweet me when I need you without a
spoken word shared. I am so happy you were able to share the tent city
experience with me and be there. To see your face light up when the stars came
by was amazing. You brighten up my timeline and my world and I love you for it.
the amazing, funny, silly, @TroysMyAngel the tales you and I could tell. We have been to too many
conventions and have gotten into so much trouble together and have had such a
blast I count you not only as my Savage, but my friend, confidant and cohort.
You are so alive and crazy and wild, and have such a huge heart and such a warm
compassionate side that not many get to see. I am Forever grateful for Twilight, for
bringing us together to share our craziness and fangirling with someone so
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Melinda at Fan Camp with Pat |
Melinda @LckyRoll7,
we met a convention and instantly clicked and have never looked back. With numerous
conventions under our belts drinking till the break of dawn and being the best
damn “Security and PR” people around, I am happy to call you one of my best
friends. We've partied at Tent City, sent the Staten Island girls up the rivah
and everything in between, Forever doesn't seem long enough to describe our
friendship and bond.
met my best friend Sarah @SarahLeaV at a Twilight convention
and we are thick as thieves now and are inseparable. We've conquered my
fangirling over Dan, your wolf girl tendencies transferred over to being a true
Volturi girl, keeping me upright when I met Ian and traveled all over the
place; next stop for us, surviving NYC, Romeo & Juliet and my birthday. What’s
next, who cares long as we do it together. I thank you Twilight for bringing her into my
life; I’d be lost without her, trust me she knows this every time I pack for a
know I am forgetting some of you. But you all mean the world to me and then
some and are in my heart and in my cell phone always.
many people have touched my life from the conventions and that is because of
Twilight and you each know how awesome and special you are to me.
the stars of the saga that I have come to know as well as any fan can. Thank you.
Thank you for all the hard work and putting up with us crazy fans. Thank you
for taking your weekends to live out of suitcases and join us and entertain us
at the conventions. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many and just
plain and simple thank you for being you.
memories we have made and the fun we had will go with us where ever we. We have
made friends for life and it was all because of a little book that was a dream
to Stephenie Meyer. We hold our heads high and say YES WE ARE TWILIGHT fans,
YES we are GROWN women crying and shaking and swooning and camping out on the
street for a glimpse of the Hunks of Twilight. We are Twilight Fans and we are
here Forever.
Aww,me sweet,sweet,apple dumplin',it was such a pleasure ta finally meet n fer real hug you! The memories of that week will Forever be in me heart n soul,unlike Nashville we had a whole week ta be giddy n fangirly,it was me first real Twilight gig n I was sa afraid I'd be outta place fer bein sa old,hell fire was I wrong,not around you,Mel,Tara n April.So sad it was gone like a flash,but me mission was accomplished,ta meet all the new vamps,(well cept me fav,Guri),get pics, n finally meet n give a Big Ole Hug ta me honey darlins' from Twitter! Yes, I'm a Grandma, n Yes I Do Hold Me Head Damn High,cause I.Am. A. Twilight Fan. FOREVER.I love ya Jenn n nutin' can er will ever take that away,not even when Grandma leaves this crazy place we call earth. Mwah!
ReplyDeleteTina, your comment made me cry so. I love you so much and hold you so close to my heart, you have no idea. Miss you like mad!
ReplyDeleteSERIOUSLY.......you made me tear up. I dont even know what to say but I love you and you rock my world. Thank you for making my heart super happy. (((Hugs))) can't wait to party with you again soon.
ReplyDeletei've really enjoyed reading your twilight-related posts. i feel like i could live a little vicariously through your past experiences. and this one was great! even though i WAS there at tent city (it's where i met you!!), i love hearing about the time you spent on the black carpet. that was something i wish i had gotten to live as well. alas, "camp reject" through and through, we were in the bleachers... in the very top row. haha.
ReplyDeletehopefully this wasn't the last of your retrospective posts about your twi-life.
Seriously Girl...I have tears streaming down my face at work. I will kidnap your ass anytime & we will have a blast. can't wait to see you again. The friendships I have made through twilight will last a lifetime & I am so blessed to have the best group of ladies EVAH.
ReplyDeletewow....this was a truly beautiful post! it's inspiring to hear about the friendships you've made and the adventures you've had!
ReplyDeletethank you for posting this <3