Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Deviant

This week, I’m recommending that you read Deviant by planetblue (@planetbluefic) Find it here on It’s on the shorter side of medium-length – 23 chapters, just over 83,000 words.

It completed a little more than a year ago and I read it back then. It seemed EVERYONE did. I remember that I had really liked it and was left with the impression of “hot dayum” – but before I could recommend it, I felt I needed a refresher, so I just reread it in the last two days. It’s just as great the second time around.

In Twilight fan fiction, we have “types” that come up a lot. Edward is usually characterized by an identifiable trait. He is usually one thing or another – our “~wards”. What I like about Deviant is that he is several at once. Tattward, Bikerward, Doctorward. Yum! Sometimes you CAN have it all. (For the uninitiated, ‘trait/profession/feature’ + -ward = Edward as… whatever. ie. Tattward = Tattooed Edward)

The angst is at a minimum. It's presence in the story serves momentum rather than to purposely f*&k your feels. Although, as you may be aware, I’m not against a good emotions f*&king, this story’s appeal for me is all about the smut.

I also really appreciate that Deviant is well-written. I find that usually banter comes across as cheesy but in this case, it is done well so that it fuels the mounting sexual tension (of which there is a lot of!), yet is still funny. This Edward, or “Manchu” as he is nicknamed for his handlebar biker ‘stache, is a dirty talking pro.

Plus, he bites a lot. I like a biter.


  1. You recommended this to me awhile ago. I LOVED it. Her Edward is everything you could ever ask for! It was one of thoses stories you wish it wouldn't stop. Very good choice ;)

  2. I loved this fic. so much hotness. Great pic Kmah!!
